Dr. Bedi’s Counselling/Psychotherapy Research, Teaching, and Service Lab



Research not Rhetoric, Proof not Politics, Evidence not Emotion, Doubt not Dogma.

Without critical thinking, this is not education but indoctrination. I do not want to teach you what to think but how to think…for yourself.

Confusion is a precursory to discovery.

“Great minds do not always think alike.” (Heterodox Academy)

“The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.” (William Osler)


Located in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Bedi’s Counselling and Psychotherapy Research, Teaching, and Service (RTS) Lab provides support and mentorship for students, faculty, and professionals seeking to gain experience and expand their competence in scholarly, didactic, and/or professional service endeavors.

Hands-on research experience and training is an integral components of this lab. A wide variety of duties and tasks are available with some choices to tailor one’s experiences. The lab endorses a multi-level mentorship model in which senior and experienced lab members often get the chance to provide oversight and training to junior and new lab members. Whenever possible and feasible, opportunities to work towards conference or article co-authorship are available to be earned.



Lab mottos:

Research not Rhetoric, Proof not Politics, Evidence not Emotion, Doubt not Dogma.

Without critical thinking, this is not education but indoctrination. I do not want to teach you what to think but how to think…for yourself.

Confusion is a precursory to discovery.

“Great minds do not always think alike.” (Heterodox Academy)

“The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism.” (William Osler)


Web-site: https://ecps.educ.ubc.ca/robinder-p-bedi/

Lab Web-site: http://bedi.ecps.educ.ubc.ca/

Lab Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BediResearchLab/

Lab LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dr-bedi-s-counselling-psychotherapy-research-teaching-and-service-lab/

