For Research Participants

Current research studies actively recruiting participants in Dr. Bedi’s lab include:

1. Career Development in Recovery Study:

  • Are you interested in participating in a series of free group counselling sessions regarding career development in recovery?
  • Are you thinking about making a change in your career or are you looking for a new job?
  • Have you had a problem with substance use in the past but no major problems within the last year?

Career Development in Recovery is a UBC study study that aims to examine whether a series of 8 facilitated group counselling sessions will assist with the career development in recovery.

Participants will be paid up to $160 to complete a series of questionnaires before and after the group sessions as well as a follow-up interview 3 months and 9 months after the group sessions. Each of the sessions will take place online over approximately two months.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about this research project, please contact the research team at (778) 401-3078, by email at, or fill out a form with your contact information:

Principal Investigator: Robinder Bedi, PhD

Info for Participants in BC: