Publications of Dr. Robinder Bedi
A chronological list of publications is provided below by publication type. If you wish to review a list organized by topical area, please go to my faculty profile by clicking here.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Bedi, R. P., & Cardona, B. (2024). Can a course on sexuality counseling increase empathy when working with sex- and gender-minoritized individuals? Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness: Research, Practice, and Education, 5(1), 1-9.
Outadi, A. O., & Bedi, R. P. (2024). Implicit bias against Muslim men attempting to access counseling or psychotherapy? A correspondence audit study examining aversive racism. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice, 11(1), 30-45.
Ahn, J., Bedi, R. P., Choubisa, R., & Ruparel, N. (2024). Assessing psychotherapy as a western healing practice through prediction of help-seeking attitudes. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 37(1), 47-68.
Bedi, R. P., & Moscovitz, A. (2024). Aversive prejudice in counsellors and psychologists. BC Psychologist, 13(1), 12-15.
Currie, L. N., Bedi, R. P., & Hubley, A. (2024). Psychometric evaluation of the Hope-Action Inventory in individuals with substance use issues. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 57(1), 30-46. DOI: 10.1080/07481756.2023.2185157
Moscovitz, A., Bedi, R. P., & Outadi, A. O. (2023). Examination of perceived religion in Muslim women’s access to counseling and psychotherapy: An audit study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 70(1), 30-40.
Kumar, R. P., Bedi, R. P., & Lo, C. O. (2023). Possible masculinities: A grounded theory on how university men envision themselves in the future. Qualitative Psychology, 10(3), 435–451.
Bedi, R. P., & Kumar, R. P. (2023). Reproducibility of PsycInfo searches across platforms. Canadian Psychology, 64(4), 279–289.
Bedi, R. P., Willman, T., & Douce, T. B. (2023). Religious and spiritual practices of a sample of BCPA-member psychologists. BC Psychologist, 12(1), 12-17.
Willman, T., Douce, T. B., & Bedi, R. P. (2023). Differences in religious and spiritual practices variables between Canadian counselors and psychologists. Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 45(3), 229-246.
Arguelles, F., & Bedi, R. P. (2023). Proof of concept of investigating psychotherapy as a western cultural healing practice: Assessing its prevalence in western versus non-western countries. World Cultural Psychiatry Research Review, 18(1), 24-44.
Fagan, M. J., Duncan, M. J., Bedi, R. P., Puterman, E., Leatherdale, S. T., & Faulkner, G. (2023). The prospective association between physical activity and initiation of current substance use among adolescents: Examining the role of school connectedness. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 24, 100503.
Currie, L., & Bedi, R.P. (2023). Developing norms for the Hope-Action Inventory with a substance misuse sample. Canadian Journal of Career Development, 22(2), 94–103.
Bedi, R. P., & Pradhan, K. (2023). Differences between Canadian Psychological Association non-member and member counseling psychologists. The Counseling Psychologist, 51(2), 180-209. DOI: 10.1177/00110000221136218.
Bedi, R.P. (2022). Counselling psychology in BC? A data-based profile of the profession. BC Psychologist, 11 (2), 12-15.
Fagan, M.J., Duncan, M.J., Bedi, R., Puterman, E., Leatherdale, S.T., & Faulkner, G. (2022). Physical activity and substance use among Canadian adolescents: Examining the moderating role of school connectedness. Frontiers in Public Health, 10,
Bedi, R. P., & Bhatara, M. (2022). Characteristics of counselling psychology and counselling psychologists in Punjab, India. Indian Journal of Health and Well-being, 13(3), 410-415.
Bedi, R. P., & Douce, T.B. (2022). What to change about the admission process for doctoral programmes in counselling psychology from the perspective of applicants. Psychreg, 6, 2, 125-138.
Cardona, B., Farago, R., & Bedi, R. P. (2022). Teaching a sexuality counseling course: Counselors-in-training experience and implications for professional counseling programs. American Journal of Sexuality Education., 17, 3, 320-342.
Douce, T. B., & Bedi, R. P. (2022). Evaluating and applying to a counseling psychology PhD program: Importance and Influence of various decision variables. North American Journal of Psychology, 24(1), 101-126.
Bedi, R. P. (2022). Characteristics of counselling psychology and counselling psychologists in New Delhi. IAHRW International Journal of Social Sciences, 10(4), 482-486.
Jordan, D. J., & Bedi, R. P. (2021). Addiction recovery as transformative learning: Identity change in men who participated in residential treatment. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 55, 4, 462-483.
Hayes, S., Doucet, D., & Bedi, R. P. (2021). Students overcoming learned helplessness. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 55, 3, 334-362.
Springer, K., & Bedi, R. P. (2021). Why do men drop out of counseling/psychotherapy? An enhanced critical incident technique analysis of male clients’ experiences. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 22, 776-786.
Bedi, R. P., Pradhan, K., Kroc, E., & Bhatara, M. (2021). Characteristics of counselling psychology and counselling psychologists in India: A larger scale replication of a nationwide survey. Psychological Studies, 66 (1), 1-13.
Alexander, A. J., Khera, G. S., & Bedi, R. P. (2021). Bicultural identity and self-construal in-family among Indian American emerging adults: A mixed-methods study. Journal of Adult Development, 28, 1-14.
Bedi, R. P., & Hayes, S. (2021). CBT’S hegemony: A house of cards? BC Psychologist, 10(1), 23-27.
Bedi, R. P. & Bassi, M. (2020). A fallacy of the World Health Organization’s Mental Health Gap Action Programme and Intervention Guide: Counseling and psychotherapy are also (western) indigenous/traditional healing methods. Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, 22 (1), 187-199.
Bedi, R. P., Domene, J. F., Kassan, A., & Wada, K. (2020). Advocating for ourselves, advocating for our communities: Canadian counselling psychology into the next decade and beyond. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 54(4), 564-571.
Wada, K., Kassan, A., Domene, J. F., Bedi, R. P., Kintzel, F., & West, A. M. (2020). The future of counselling psychology education and training in Canada: A post-conference reflection. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 54(4), 572-594.
Wampold, B. E. & Bedi, R. P. (2020). The contextual model of clinical counselling and psychotherapy: Integrating common factors and specific treatment outcomes. BC Psychologist, 9, 10-14.
Bedi, R. P., Christiani, K. D., & Sinacore, A. L. (2020). A survey of the characteristics and professional practices of members in the Canadian Psychological Association’s Section on Counselling Psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 33, 245-263.
Bedi, R. P. Thomas, P., Sandhu, D., & Jain, S. (2020). Survey of counselling psychologists in India. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 33, 100-120.
Cardona, B., Bedi, R. P., & Crookston, B. J. (2019). Choosing love over tradition: Lived experiences of Asian Indian marriages. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 27, 278-286.
Bedi, R. P., Thomas, A., & Giannone, Z. (2019). Strengths of Canadian counselling psychology doctoral programs. North American Journal of Psychology, 21, 293-304
Bedi, R. P. (2018). Racial, ethnic, cultural, and national disparities in counseling and psychotherapy outcome are inevitable but eliminating global mental health disparities with indigenous healing is not. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 6, 96–104.
Bedi, R. P. Christiani, K., & Cohen, J. (2018). The next generation of Canadian counselling psychologists. Counselling Psychology Review, 33, 46-56.
Bedi, R., P., Christiani, K., & Cohen, J. (2018). The future of Canadian counselling psychology: Doctoral students. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 31, 205-222.
Bedi, R. P. (2018). Culturally-adapted counselling and psychotherapy. BC Psychologist, 7, 13-15.
Bedi, R. P., & Shergill, A. P. (2017). Counselling and psychotherapy with Punjabi Sikhs: Socio-cultural considerations. BC Psychologist, 6, 14-17.
Bedi, R. P., & Rogers, K. (2016). Love marriage in Punjab, India: A pilot study. Indian Journal of Psychology, 3, 52-59.
Bedi, R. P., Young, C. N., Davari, J. A., Springer, K., & Kane, D. P. (2016). A Content analysis of Gendered Research in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 50, 365-383.
Bedi, R. P. (2016). A descriptive examination of Canadian counselling psychology doctoral programs. Canadian Psychology, 57, 83-91.
Bedi, R. P., Sinacore, A. & Christiani, K. D. (2016). Counselling psychology in Canada. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 29, 150-162.
Goodyear, R., Lichtenberg, J., Hutman, H., Overland, E., Bedi, R. P…..Young, Charles (2016). A global portrait of counselling psychologists’ characteristics, perspectives, and professional behaviors. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 29, 115-138.
Richards, M., & Bedi, R. P. (2015). Gaining perspective: How men describe incidents damaging the therapeutic alliance. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 16, 170-182. doi: 10.1037/a0036924
Bedi, R. P., & Duff, C. T. (2014). Client as expert: A Delphi poll of clients’ subjective experience of therapeutic alliance formation variables. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 1, 1-18. doi:10.1080/09515070.2013.857295
Simpson, A. J., & Bedi, R. P. (2012). The therapeutic alliance: Clients’ categorization of client-identified factors. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 46, 344-366.
Hoover, S. M., Bedi, R. P., & Beall, L. K. (2012). Frequency of scholarship on counselling males in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 46, 292-297.
Bedi, R. P., Klubben, L. M., & Barker, G. T. (2012). Counselling vs. clinical: A comparison of psychology doctoral programs in Canada. Canadian Psychology, 53, 238-253. doi: 10.1037/a0028558.
Bedi, R. P., Cook, M. C., & Domene, J. F. (2012). The university student perspective on factors that hinder the counseling alliance. College Student Journal, 46, 350-361.
Haverkamp, B. E., Robertson, S. R., Cairns, S. L., & Bedi, R. P. (2011). Professional issues in Canadian counselling psychology: Identity, education, and professional practice. Canadian Psychology, 52, 256-264. doi: 10.1037/a0025214.
Bedi, R. P., & Richards, M. (2011). What a man wants: The male perspective on therapeutic alliance formation. Psychotherapy, 48, 381-390. doi: 10.1037/a00224424.
Bedi, R. P., Haverkamp, B. E., Beatch, R., Cave, D. G., Domene, J. F., Harris, G. E., & Mikhail, A. (2011). Counselling psychology in a Canadian context: Definition and description. Canadian Psychology, 52, 128-138. doi: 10.1037/a0023186
Duff, C.T., & Bedi, R.P. (2010). Counsellor behaviors that predict therapeutic alliance formation: From the client’s perspective. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 23, 91-110.
doi: 10.1080/09515071003688165
Bedi, R.P., & Alexander, D.A. (2009). Using multivariate concept-mapping for examining client understandings of counselling. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43, 76-91.
Bedi, R.P., & Duff, C.T. (2009). Prevalence of counselling alliance type preferences across two samples. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 43, 150-164.
Bedi, R.P. (2006). Concept-mapping the client’s perspective on counseling alliance formation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53, 26-35. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.53.1.26
Bedi, R.P., Davis, M.D., & Williams, M. (2005). Critical incidents in the formation of the therapeutic alliance from the client’s perspective. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42, 311-323. doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.42.3.311
Bedi, R.P., Davis, M.D., & Arvay, M.A. (2005). The client’s perspective on counselling alliance formation and implications for research on counsellor training. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 39, 71-85.
Bedi, R.P., & Horvath, A.O. (2004). The perceived relative strength of the therapeutic alliance: Perceptions of own and partner’s alliance and psychotherapeutic outcome in time-limited couples therapy. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 3, 65-80.
Bedi, R.P. (2004). The therapeutic alliance and the interface of career and personal counseling. Journal of Employment Counseling, 41, 126-135.
Bedi, R.P., Koopman, R.F., & Thompson, J.M. (2001). The dimensionality of the Beck Depression Inventory-II and its relevance for tailoring the psychological treatment of women with depression. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38, 306-318. doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.38.3.306
Bedi, R.P., Maraun, M.D., & Chrisjohn, R.D. (2001). A multisample item response theory analysis of the Beck Depression Inventory-1A. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 33, 176-184. doi: 10.1037/h0087139
Bedi, R.P. (2001). Prescriptive psychotherapy: Alternatives to diagnosis. Psychotherapy in Independent Practice, 2, 39-60. doi: 10.1300/j288v02n02_04
Bedi, R.P. (1999). Depression: An inability to adapt to one’s perceived life distress? Journal of Affective Disorders, 54, 225-234. doi: 10.1016/s0165-0327(98)00196-7
Book Chapters and Peer-Reviewed Academic Enyclopedia Entries
Bedi, R. P., & Hayes, S. (2019). Clients’ perspectives on, experiences of, and contributions to the working alliance: Implications for clinicians. In J. Fuertes (Ed.), Working alliance skills for mental health professionals (pp. 111-136). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Bedi, R. P., Sinacore, A., & Christiani, K. (2017). Counselling psychology in Canada. In R. K. Goodyear & J. W. Lichtenberg (Eds.), A global portrait of counselling psychology (pp. 34-46). New York: Routledge.
Bedi, R. P., & Domene, J. D. (2015). Counseling and psychotherapy in Canada: Kamalpreet’s Story. In R. Moodley, M. Lengyell, R. Wu, and U. P. Gielen (Eds.), Therapy without borders: International and cross-cultural case studies (pp. 141-148). American Counseling Association: Washington, DC.
Domene, J. D., & Bedi, R. P. (2013). Counseling and psychotherapy in Canada: Diversity and growth. In R. Moodley, U. P. Gielen, & R. Wu (Eds.), Handbook of counseling and psychotherapy in an international context (pp. 106-116). New York: Routledge.
Bedi, R.P., & Barker, G.T. (2011). Washington laws and programs. In M.A.R. Kleiman, & J.E. Hawdon (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Drug Policy (pp. 842-845). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P. (2009). Solution-focused therapy. In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 843-845). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P., & Duff, C.T. (2009). Substance abuse. In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (866-869). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P., & Rawdah, N. (2009). Career assessment. In B.T. Erford (Ed.), The ACA Encyclopedia of Counseling (pp. 67-70). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Bedi, R.P., & Winters, K.M. (2009). Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT). In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 62-64). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P., & Wuitchik, N.G. (2009). Caffeine. In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 151-152). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Chan, J.G., & Bedi, R.P. (2009). Family therapy/counseling. In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 786-790). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Chan, J.G., & Bedi, R.P. (2009). Residential treatment. In G.F. Fisher & N.A. Roget (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery (pp. 786-790). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P., & Domene, J.F. (2008). Counseling, definition of. In F.T. Leong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Counseling (pp. 119-120). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Bedi, R.P., & Duff, C.T. (2008). Drug abuse. In N.J. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology (pp. 279-285). Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications.
Reports and other Publications
Beatch, R., Bedi, R.P., Cave, D., Domene, J.F., Harris, G.E….Mikhail, A. (2009, December). Counselling psychology in a Canadian context: Final report from the Executive Committee for a Canadian Understanding of Counselling Psychology (Report). Ottawa, ON: Counselling Psychology Section of the Canadian Psychological Association.