
Dr. Bedi has provided academic, professional, university, and community service in a variety of areas and through a variety of committees. Some examples include: serving two terms on the editorial board of The Counseling Psychologist (journal), being on the organizing committee of the 2018 Canadian Counselling Psychology Conference, chairing the Canadian Psychological Association’s Section on Counselling Psychology, co-chairing the Executive Committee for a Canadian Understanding of Counselling Psychology, textbook reviewing, journal manuscript reviewing, coordinating program accreditation, chairing department conferences, and providing community lectures. If interested, please enquire about opportunities to get involved in providing academic, professional, university and community service.


bedilogo2Research not Rhetoric, Proof not Politics, Evidence not Emotion, Doubt not Dogma.

Without critical thinking, this is not education but indoctrination. I do not want to teach you what to think but how to think…for yourself.

“Confusion is a precursor to discovery”