October 2015: Robinder Bedi, Green College Leading Scholar (2015-2017)


Counselling Psychology Assistant Professor Robinder Bedi has been appointed as Green College Leading Scholar for a two-year term. The Green College Leading Scholars program encourages new UBC faculty members to connect with other scholars in a social setting. This award comes with a shared budget of $5,000 per year to organize interdisciplinary workshops.

Dr. Bedi is one of ten UBC faculty that are appointed by Green College’s Academic Committee. This honour is based upon evaluation of a research program which has strong potential for interdisciplinary research collaboration that can inspire the university community and public.

“Boys and Men: Helping a Counselling Minority” ~ Dr. Bedi’s proposal

Green College is a collective of University scholars and creators at UBC and it provides a venue for cross-disciplinary programs, organized by UBC and others. Their events are open to all members of the University and the local community.